Its been 6 months now since the new Aquamatic team was established, and we can’t believe how fast it has gone! We’re both really enjoying working with you all and expanding our customer base along the way. Some of you have been with Aquamatic for many years and have seen the business change, and some of you have only just joined us. We thought now would be a great time to introduce ourselves further and tell you a bit about us! I’m Robyn and I’m customer service for Aquamatic. Basically, I process all of your orders, make sure we have the stock available, and any other day to day enquiries and admin. I’ve been with the business for around 8 months now and I’m really enjoying it. This is my first job within the water treatment industry, however pretty much all of my jobs have been within customer service. Alongside my job here, I also use social media to express my creative side.
I have a large passion for sustainable fashion and work alongside a number of charities to break the stigma of charity shopping and shopping pre loved. At the end of last year I was made a retail ambassador for the British Heart Foundation and I’ve got to do loads of cool things along the way. I live here in the north with my husband David, our dog Ned and two guinea pigs called PJ & Duncan. I’m Mike and I’m Aquamatic’s Commercial Manager. I have been with Aquamatic for 6 months now….! It has been quite the whirlwind but I am glad to say I am really enjoying my new role here.
Outside of work I am a big family man, living in Southport with my wife and 2 young boys who keep me well and truly on my toes! I am a big football fan, following my team Blackburn Rovers through thick and (more recently, mostly) thin. Also love my music and have a number of concerts lined up this summer! I am looking forward to getting out and about in June to hopefully come and say hello to as many of you as I can…watch this space!